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Course Designed For:


People requiring knowledge of first aid and acting as a first aider in the workplace or where an assessment of first aid requires a first aider


Aim of the Course:


The first aid qualification aims to create a level of competence in first aid skills for the workplace.




Be 16 years of age or older.


Validity of Award:


This qualification is valid for three years and must be revalidated on a 2 day refresher course.


Course Information:


The ability to act safely, promptly and effectively when an emergency arises in the workplace



The ability to administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation promptly and effectively



Administering first aid safely, promptly and effectively to a casualty who is unconscious, wounded or bleeding, burned or scalded, suffering from bone injury, muscle injury, joint injury, eye injury, poisoned or overcome by gas/fumes



Transporting a casualty to safety as required by the circumstances of the workplace



The recognition of minor illnesses and taking appropriate action



Maintaining records and providing written information to a doctor or hospital if required



Understanding the importance of personal hygiene in first aid procedures



Understanding the legal framework for first aid provision at work



Demonstrating the use of first aid equipment provided in the workplace


Mandatory Units:


Emergency First Aid in the Workplace (A/504/4517)



Recognition and Management of Illness and Injury in the workplace (f/504/4518)


Assessment Criteria:


Continual Assessment by the tutor on all practical skills. Must be deemed competent to pass 


​Pass marks:
• Emergency First Aid in the Workplace:5 / 7
• Recognition and Management of Illness and Injury in the Workplace: 9 /

All unitis must be passed as competent to awarded the FAW


 contact BG&G Training for more information 

First Aid at Work (FAW)

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